
1865 The End of the Civil War

In 1865, barely six months after the end of the Civil War and just two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, 三个人——约翰·奥格登, 伊拉斯图斯·米洛·克拉瓦斯牧师, 牧师爱德华·P. 史密斯在纳什维尔建立了菲斯克学校.

这所学校是为了纪念克林顿将军而命名的. 田纳西州自由民局的菲斯克说, who provided the new institution with facilities in former Union Army barracks near the present site of Nashville's Union Station. 1866年1月9日,菲斯克学院在这些设施中开设了第一批课程. 第一批学生的年龄从7岁到70岁不等, but shared common experiences of slavery and poverty — and an extraordinary thirst for learning.

1867 澳门皇冠赌场平台 Incorporated

The work of Fisk's founders was sponsored by the American Missionary Association — later part of the United Church of Christ, 菲斯克至今仍与之有联系.

Ogden, Cravath, and Smith, 和其他人一起运动, 共同梦想着建立一个对所有人开放的教育机构, 不分种族, 这将以“最高标准”来衡量自己, 不是黑人教育, 而是美国最好的教育.他们的梦想在1867年8月22日被合并为澳门皇冠赌场平台.

1871 鱼禧歌手® SET OUT

The tradition of excellence at Fisk has developed out of a history marked by struggle and uncertainty. Fisk's world-famous Jubilee Singers® originated as a group of traveling students who set out from Nashville on October 6, 1871, taking the entire contents of the University treasury with them for travel expenses, praying that through their music they could somehow raise enough money to keep the doors of their debt-ridden school open.

歌手们一开始很挣扎, but before long, their performances so electrified audiences that they traveled throughout the United States and Europe, 包括威廉·劳埃德·加里森在内的观众都感动得流下了眼泪, 温德尔·菲利普斯, Ulysses S. Grant, William Gladstone, Mark Twain, Johann Strauss, and Queen Victoria.

To this day, each October 6, Fisk pauses to observe the anniversary of the singers' departure from campus in 1871. 当代禧年歌手, 格莱美奖得主群体, perform in a University convocation — and conclude the day's ceremonies with a pilgrimage to the grave sites of the original singers, 再说一遍, 这些古老的歌曲是在他们最初的表演者的墓地里唱的.

1876 Jubilee Hall is Built

The Fisk Jubilee Singers® introduced much of the world to the spirituals as a musical genre— and in the process raised funds that preserved their University and permitted construction of Jubilee Hall, the South's first permanent structure built for the education of black students. 被指定为国家历史地标, today, 朱比利大厅仍然是菲斯克校园引人注目的焦点.

1930 Recognition & Accreditation

Even before regional accreditation was available to African-American institutions, Fisk had gained recognition by leading universities throughout the nation, and by such agencies as the Board of Regents of the State of New York — enabling Fisk graduates to enter graduate and professional schools to study for advanced degrees.

Then, in 1930, Fisk became the first African-American institution to gain accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It was also the first such institution to be placed on the approved lists of the Association of American Universities (1933) and the American Association of University Women (1948).

1953 Phi Beta Kappa Society

Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is the nation's oldest and most widely known academic honor society. In 1953, Fisk received a charter for the first chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society on a predominantly black campus.

1978 A National 历史街区

Jubilee HallIn February, 1978, the Fisk campus was designated as a National 历史街区 in recognition of its architectural, historic, 以及文化意义.

杰出的教师 & Alumni

From its earliest days, Fisk has played a leadership role in the education of 非裔美国人. 菲斯克的教职员工和校友都是美国的知识分子, artistic, and civic leaders in every generation since the University's beginning.

Historic Fisk Faculty

  • W.E.B. Du Bois (菲斯克1888届毕业生)他是伟大的社会评论家,也是全国有色人种协进会的联合创始人
  • Booker T. Washington, the great educator who was Du Bois' famous philosophical adversary as well as the founder of Tuskegee University, 曾在菲斯克董事会任职, 嫁给了澳门皇冠赌场平台的校友, 把他的孩子送到菲斯克
  • Ida B. Wells-Barnett这位激进的记者参加了菲斯克
  • 查尔斯·司布真·约翰逊, Fisk's first black president, helped to conceive the modern science of sociology
  • 杰出的艺术家 Aaron Douglas 在菲斯克学院工作多年, and his murals decorate the walls of the University's Erastus Milo Cravath Hall
  • Arna Bontemps, Sterling A. 布朗,罗伯特·海登, and 詹姆斯·威尔登·约翰逊 were among several Fisk faculty members who became major figures in American literature
  • 广受赞誉的作曲家兼音乐学家 John W. Work Sr., John W. Work, Jr., and John W. Work, III 是菲斯克的校友和教职员工吗
  • 圣埃尔莫·布雷迪, 他是最早在化学领域取得卓越成就的非裔美国人之一, 在菲斯克学院工作了很多年
  • 埃尔默·塞缪尔·艾姆斯他是澳门皇冠赌场平台的校友 (菲斯克1903级) 谁的工作提供了量子理论的早期验证. His was one of the earliest applications of high resolution infrared spectroscopy and provided the first detailed spectra of molecules, which led to the study of molecular structure through infrared spectroscopy: he chaired the Fisk Physics Department until his death in 1941.

Accomplished Fisk Alumni

  • 约翰内塔·贝奇·科尔博士.D.她是斯佩尔曼学院和贝内特女子学院的前校长
  • Dennis D. Deveaux他是丰田北美物料搬运公司的财务总监
  • Rel Dowdell他是广受赞誉的电影制作人和制片人
  • Judith Jamison, acclaimed dancer, choreographer and Artistic Director of the Alvin Alley American Dance Theater
  • Diane Nash纳什维尔民权运动的领袖
  • 尊敬的Hazel R. O'Leary, J.D., seventh U.美国能源部长,澳门皇冠赌场平台前校长
  • Alma Powell,美国承诺联盟(America's Promise Alliance)的作者和联合创始人
  • 卡罗琳·里德-华莱士博士.D.,学者和作家,美国国务院前助理国务卿.S. 教育部主任,澳门皇冠赌场平台前校长
  • Niara Sudarkasa博士.D., former and only female president of Lincoln University in Pennsylvania
  • Kym Whitley她是美国演员和喜剧演员
  • 约翰·霍普·富兰克林, the most eminent historian of the African-American experience, 是菲斯克的校友.
  • Timothy B. Donaldson, Ambassador of the Bahamas to the United States and Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States, 是菲斯克的校友.
  • Nikki Giovanni一位获奖的当代诗人
  • 大卫·利弗林·刘易斯曾两次获得普利策奖的作家和教授
  • John Lewis他是美国民权活动家.S. 代表(D-GA).
  • Mandisa Hundley,格莱美获奖歌手(前Jubilee歌手)
  • Johnny Simmons, Emmy-Winning Cinematographer who broke barriers as one of the first Black Cinematographers admitted to the ASC Union.

Probably no single institution has played so central a role as Fisk in the shaping of black learning and culture in America. The Fisk tradition of leadership and excellence continued throughout the 20th century and is being carried on today. 瑟古德·马歇尔, who later became the first African-American Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 是Charles S. 约翰逊著名的菲斯克种族关系研究所.

教育的领导者 非裔美国人